Thursday, August 01, 2024

Interesting Links From August 2024


Kamala Harris and late-term abortion: Cold-blooded abomination (


13-year-old who lived for the ‘Glory of God’ killed | U.S. (


August 2


Everything Short of Hell is Mercy – The Fight of Faith (


If Kamala Harris Is Normal, Make America Weird Again (


Indian and Black, Hindu and Baptist: The multiplicities of Kamala Harris (


Blasphème & Olympiques   - Juicy Ecumenism


Portland’s failed drug experiment | WORLD (


Pastoral Meanderings: Steps in Australia. . .


August 3


Churches Respond to Olympic ‘Last Supper’ Depiction - Juicy Ecumenism


Black Christian Leaders Find Hope with Kamala Harris...... | News & Reporting | Christianity Today (Christianity Today favorably promotes U.S. presidential candidate Kamala Harris)


August 5


The danger of treating Christ as a joke (


Sam Storms: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma > 9 Myths About Hell


Your Marriage Doesn't Need Better Communication — The Bee Hive


Imagine: The Paris Olympics and how a song and a ceremony offered the only message they could – Faithroots


August 6


Should You Send Your Kids to Catholic School? (


What happened to a woman’s choice? | WORLD (


Pastoral Meanderings: Warriors assemble. . .


August 7


Harris VP Pick Tim Walz A Lutheran With Connections To Minnesota’s Muslim Community (


Walz Let Rioters Burn Minneapolis While Harris Fundraised Their Bail (


Five faith facts about Harris pick Tim Walz, a 'Minnesota Lutheran' Dad (


Kamala Harris' VP Pick Belongs to a Denomination Overtaken by Drag Queens and Sexual Immorality (


Tim Walz Has Been a Disaster for Minnesotans | Opinion - Newsweek


After Walz Pick, Kamala Can No Longer Deny She's A Radical (


August 8


Did You Know "Christians for Kamala" is a Thing? Look at This Circus (


Nixon Resignation 50 Years Later - Juicy Ecumenism


Kamala’s Abortion Extremism | Ryan T. Anderson | First Things


Tim Walz’s Lutheran Church is a Trainwreck of Heresy and Blasphemy (

August 9


Tim Walz’s Church Doesn’t Like To Call God ‘Him,’ Supports Reparations And Pride Parades | The Daily Caller


Walz’s Brand Is More Left than Lutheran Among Minnesota Ev...... | News & Reporting | Christianity Today

August 19


Love Her Less to Love Her More: The Dangers of Idolizing a Wife | Desiring God


Gossip: A Sin That Is Sadly Indigenous To The Church - Kuza (


When Mom and Dad Quietly Cast Out a Demon – Entrusted to the Dirt

August 20


Kamala Harris is a mean girl (


Doug Burgum talks Tim Walz, Minnesota policies (


Grumbling – Minister’s Letter August 2024 – Paul Levy (


Dems Praise Veep Pick As 'America's Dad' While Neutering Men (


The party of infertility and death | WORLD (

August 21


Do you share Donald Trump's opinion about Heaven? (


Christianity Today Hires Cussing, N-word Using, Marijuana Promoter as "Big Tent" Director (


Tim Walz, Progressive Lutheran | Robert Benne | First Things


A Review and Primer of the Megan Basham/ Jane Doe Name Redaction Controversy (


The Abortion Van At The DNC Is A Glimpse Of America’s Future (

August 23


How important is speaking in tongues? (


The Exultant Nature of Today’s Abortion Advocacy | Carl R. Trueman | First Things


Taylor Swift: A Satanic Witch? (


A New Hymnody For Christian Classical Schools (


Everyone Is Better Off When People Make Family A Priority (


What is Project 2025? | WORLD (


Kamala Says She Will Restore Abortion Rights. Camera Immediately Pans To Baby. (

August 24


Trump's Abandonment of Pro-Lifers Is Complete | National Review


The Message From Democrats Is Clear: Real Men Aren’t Welcome (


Being pro-Life: The long road ahead (


In Defense of Not Caring About These Conventions (


With abortions and vasectomies for all | WORLD (


Is There Love Behind Trump’s Love-Hate Relationship With Kamala Harris? (

August 30


The Anti-Abortion Activist Urging Followers Not to Vote for Trump - POLITICO


Trump: 'I would win California if Jesus was 'vote counter' | Politics (


A Review of “The Widening of God’s Mercy: Sexuality within the Biblical Story” by Christopher B. Hays and Richard B. Hays – CBMW


Trump Under Fire From Anti-Abortion Activists As Team Plays Down Comments - Newsweek


If Donald Trump's Sex Life Is Fair Game, So Is Kamala Harris' (


On abortion, Trump is his own worst enemy | WORLD (

August 31


Faux Conservative David French Proposes $2,000 Government Handouts to Curb Abortions (


The Slump - The American Conservative


Activist Lila Rose Under Fire for Suggesting Trump Hasn’t Earned the Pro-Life Vote - Christianity Today


What’s the truth about Project 2025? | WORLD (

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